Building Strong Mentoring Relationships


This training covers best practices in building and sustaining relationships, avoiding and repairing missteps, setting goals, mentoring with empathy and cultural humility, and managing relationship closure.

(This course is included in the SuperReady to Mentor bundle.)




A strong relationship is the bedrock of all successful mentoring and this training grounded in evidence-based practice. Lessons are grounded in decades of research (Rhodes is co-author of MENTOR’s iconic Elements of Effective Practice, award-winning books, and hundreds of peer-reviewed articles on best practice). Developed in collaboration with leading relationship expert, Professor Marc Karver, PhD, the training covers best practices in building and sustaining relationships, avoiding and repairing missteps, setting goals, mentoring with empathy and cultural humility, and managing relationship closure. This course is perfect for new mentors and seasoned mentors alike.

This course was developed through an ongoing collaboration between the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring and leading relationship expert, Professor Marc Karver (University of Southern Florida). It is based on his years of research and meta-analysis on building strong therapeutic bonds with children and adolescents. Marc and his team generously share their expertise and insights throughout the development of this course. 

Karver, M. S., De Nadai, A. S., Monahan, M., & Shirk, S. R. (2018). Meta-analysis of the prospective  relation between alliance and outcome in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 55(4), 341–355.