Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Picking a calendar

OK, so  now that you know why a calendar is important… let’s get down into the details. Assuming you’ve been convinced to get organized, you’ll first need to choose the calendar that’s right for you. 

You might be thinking… “This is obvious! I know EXACTLY which one I want!” – if that’s the case, I strongly recommend that you take a minute to read the following pros and cons of each. We want you to be prepared with all of the information!

Or, you might be thinking… “How am I supposed to make this decision now?! What if I make the wrong decision and I end up hating what I choose?” Those are totally normal thoughts! Give yourself a chance to read through the pros and cons. And remember, no matter which choice you make, you can always change it up for next semester if you don’t like your first attempt at using a planner or organizer!

Let’s learn more…