Designed as either a mentor- or self-guided comprehensive training program, SuperReady to Work offers a complete guide to workforce development. In this series of dynamic, evidence-based courses, students learn the essential professional development skills for job readiness. Created in collaboration with the Council for Opportunities in Education as well as leading workforce development scholars, these courses align with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies and proven practices, such as creating a career narrative, developing social capital, and mastering interview skills.
Courses include:
- Becoming Career Ready
- Constructing your Resume and Cover Letter
- Developing Effective Interview Skills
- Setting SMART Goals in College and Beyond
- Connected Futures: The Science of Building Social Capital
The professional certification was developed in collaboration with experts by mentoring expert, Dr. Alexandra Werntz, Director of MentorPRO Academy and Associate Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring. Dr. Werntz, a licensed clinical psychologist, award-winning instructor at UMass Boston, and the Associate Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring. It was guided by Dr. Jean Rhodes, the Frank L. Boyden Professor of Psychology and founding director of the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring.