Becoming Career Ready


Estimated time to complete: 1 hour



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Becoming career ready means figuring out what you’re good at, what interests you, where you still need to grow, and how to construct a career narrative. This course provides you with proven interactive tools for career exploration as well as training in the eight Career Readiness Competencies that have been identified through extensive research and observations conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE),  with input from employers across all industries, as necessary skills for success in today’s workforce and other post-collegiate pursuits. It also helps students construct a “career narrative” that weaves together past experiences in ways that align with opportunities.

Sample skills

Writing Your Workview and Lifeview
Identifying Your Interests
Understanding Your NACE Competencies
Constructing Your Career Narrative
Burnett, B., & Evans, D. (2016). Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. Alfred A. Knopf. 
National Association of Colleges and Employers. (n.d.). Career Readiness – NACE Competencies. Retrieved [insert retrieval date here], from
Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work (pp. 42-70). John Wiley & Sons