Respect the young Person’s Rights

Respect the young Person’s Rights

Mentors should respect the privacy and confidence of their mentees. The only exceptions are in cases of abuse, neglect, or endangerment of minors, or any other situations identified by your program staff or the law. Mentees may disclose personal information to volunteers. When sharing this information, they may ask you not to share it with the other person. Be sure that you are clear on what you must report, to whom, and when.
You should also know if you are considered a mandated reported by your program. Mandated reporting comes with extra steps and responsibilities.
Confidentiality and Parental Concern
Often, mentees divulge private information that they don’t want others to know. A meaningful aspect for mentees is having a place to share private thoughts and feelings (Spencer, Jordan, & Sazama, 2004). Non-parent adults can serve as critical sounding boards for mentees. This is especially true when young adults explore their identities and experience new forms of conflicts with their parents (Allen, Moore, & Kuperminc, 1998). Consider this example.
Stephanie and Alice
What is Problematic in This Scenario?
Knowing that Alice is not ready to share this information, Stephanie should not have told Alice’s mother about her gender questioning, even if she only offered vague information.
What Could Stephanie Do Differently?
In consultation with her match supervisor, Stephanie could suggest that Alice’s mother talk to Alice directly or offer to mediate the conversation between Alice and her mother if they are both willing.

Parents may feel betrayed if you keep sensitive information from them. However, violating the trust and privacy of your mentee could hurt the mentorship. It may even prevent them from sharing more serious information later.
Mandated Reporting
Maintaining a balance between building trust and protecting the mentee from harm is a difficult task. As a mentor, you may be obligated to report any suspicions of abuse or neglect. You must inform your mentee of this obligation if it applies to you. Yet, in less extreme cases, it may be challenging to determine if a situation constitutes neglect. In these cases, seek the guidance of the program staff.