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Mindful Mentoring for Community Connections
This course is for mentors of Community Connections who are enrolled in the synchronous course Mindful Mentoring
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Course Content
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Ethical Principles for Mentoring Relationships & Working with Families
Session 3: Common youth behavioral and mental health challenges
Session 4: Introduction to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Session 5: Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors Part 2
Session 6: Evidence-based interventions: What can I do as a mentor?
Session 7: Evidence-based interventions: What can I do as a mentor? Part 2
Session 8: Deep dive into youth anxiety
Session 9: Building motivation: An introduction to motivational interviewing
Session 10: Mentoring with cultural humility
Session 11: Supportive accountability mentoring
Session 12: Conclusions and wrap-up
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Course Includes
12 Lessons
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